News – Mola Solta


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Anteprojectos Magazine Article

We are part of the March 2023 edition of the Anteprojectos Magazine - Special Section "Architecture - Luxury Houses

(Pode ler todo o artigo aqui.


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The AllKasa Collection – 2023

Launch of the new 2023 catalog 2023

Intitulado “The AllKasa Collection”, com uma imagem renovada, mais moderna e requintada, pretendemos associar este catálogo à reconhecida qualidade dos nossos produtos, apresentar novos artigos, tais como sofás, cadeiras, banquetas, painéis decorativos, mesas e acrescentar mais cadeirões, m

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New Showroom Inauguration

Last December 15, Mola Solta's annual event took place, where the new product collection was presented and a new Showroom was inaugurated.

Na sede da empresa em Alcanena, o novo espaço alberga todo o tipo de mobiliário e produtos, fabricados em nome próprio, tais como: camas, colchões, cabeceiras, sofás, cadeirões, bancos

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NOVA coleção colchões 2022

The latest catalog of bedding and rest products!

In this new collection you will find the mattress, pillow and comforter that best suits your preferences.

  Our goal is to provide a specialized and personalized service to our customers and serve them with the best rest products.

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NOVA coleção camas 2022

An exclusive collection!

"The customer imagines, we make" is our slogan, and so we present a new collection of customizable and tailor-made products, such as sommiers, headboards, beds and armchairs.

We always aim to offer a product of excellence and innovative products.

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EXCLUSIVO – A 1º Coleção de colchões espirituais no Mundo

EVEN® - SPIRITUAL DREAMS, unique in the world -the first spiritual mattress.

Durante o sono, o corpo físico restaura as suas energias libertando células mortas, mas também os corpos subtis – emocional, mental e espiritual – que têm durante o sono a possibilidade de se restaurar, renovar, purificar e drenar de ener

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Interview with Mola Solta's CEO

Innovation and Internationalization are the key to Mola Solta's success

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Launch of the Lavender Pillow

A lavender garden,in your bedroom!

Best known for its relaxing properties with a sweet, floral, light scent, lavender has therapeutic properties: analgesic, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, antispasmodic, calming, antidepressant, and anxiolytic.

Os especialistas sugerem que os arom

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Launch Beds Collection 2021

Mola Solta's new bed collection.

In the middle of the pandemic year we did not give up and we developed several products that came to complete our range available in the market.

Apresentamos um catálogo de camas com as mais variadas peças e os produtos mais procurados pelo cliente: sommiers, cabeceiras e cadeirões para o conforto do

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Mattress Collection 2021 Launch

We present a mattress catalog with a quality at the best level that can be found in the market, and always with "competitive prices" as our motto.

A experiência adquirida durante mais de 20 anos de ligação ao fabrico de produtos de descanso, permitiu o desenvolvimento desta nova coleção de artigos distintos dos já existente

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